HSCA Spotlight Series: Meet Dorraine

We’re thrilled to introduce you to HSCA’s intern, Dorraine! Dorraine is a 1st year MSW student and is doing her practicum at HSCA from January- April 2024. Dorraine will be working closely with HSCA’s Community Connections Coordinator, Reiko, facilitating and supporting out Sip ‘n’ Chat and Neighbour Night, and leading our yearly Tax Clinic.  If you see Dorraine at HSCA, please say hello and welcome her! Let’s get to know Dorraine...in 5 questions or less!  

Q: What interested you in doing your practicum at HSCA? 

A: Seeing the connection HSCA has with its community 

Q: What keeps you busy outside of your role at HSCA? 

A: Grad school, work, making time for family/friends, going to the movies, and visiting different coffee shops 

Q: Ask me more about:  

A: Movies, hiking, food, and cats! 

Q: What inspires you? 

A: Connecting with others and hearing their stories. 

Q: Finish this sentence: 'On Saturday mornings, you can usually find me...' 

A: Relaxing with my cat Nova and watching movies from the 80's/90's.