HSCA Mobility Sub-Committee

By Tim Schaefer, Sunnyside Resident

Hillhurst-Sunnyside is a great community for walking, wheeling, and using public transportation. This is thanks to the fact it was developed in the early 1900’s before vehicles became a dominant form of mobility in Calgary. However, from the 1950’s onwards the influence of the car changed the streetscape in the neighbourhood making it more challenging for people seeking to move about outside of the car. Hillhurst-Sunnyside was also impacted during this time by the choice of the city to use the community’s streets for residents outside the neighbourhood to drive through it to reach downtown. For example, 14 Street NW in 2019 served a daily volume of 38,000 vehicles per day.

The HSCA Mobility Sub-committee represents the community’s interests in seeking out equity for people moving about the neighbourhood by active means. This involves working with the City of Calgary to identify and create safe routes (streets, bikeways, pathways and sidewalks) and safe crossing points across streets. This will in turn allow residents, particularly our kids, to be able to safely use active means to reach everyday destinations like schools, parks, and friends. It will also position the neighbourhood to better support mobility for seniors who wish to continue living here when they can no longer drive themselves.

The Mobility Sub-committee values choice in transportation and that our neighbourhood streets are for people of all ages and abilities. Not everyone will want to always walk, bike or use transit and that’s okay. However, the infrastructure made available for vehicles must not discourage or effectively dissuade residents from choosing active means due to safety concerns or because it is impractical.

Are you passionate about walking, riding a bike, or using your accessibility device to make your way around Hillhurst and Sunnyside? Do you think our community would serve us better if we had less car dependency and had safer routes for traditional means of local transportation? If so, you may want to join or get involved with the mobility sub-committee.  To learn more, connect with the Community Planning Coordinator who will place you in contact with the Chair of the Mobility team.