Community Connections for Seniors

While the Community Centre is closed, we are still working to provide connections and supports in the community for seniors. The longer we face challenges with the current pandemic, the more likely seniors are to need support of one kind or another.

If you are concerned about a senior on your block, try the following:

  • Ring the doorbell and then step away from the door so that they can see you but know you are standing a safe distance away and wear a mask to show you are taking precautions.

    • Tell them you are checking to see if they are okay (we can keep our distance but let them know they are not isolated or forgotten)

    • Ask if there is anything they need (maybe they would just like someone to talk to for awhile. You can do that through the door.)

    • If you can help, great. If not, let the community centre know and we can follow up if you let us know.

    • Ask if they would like to be connected to the community centre and give them my phone number to call. They could write it down or you could give them my name and contact number.

  • If they don’t answer the door and you haven’t seen them for a while and are worried, call or email me and I will connect with you to learn more and see what we can do to help. You could also call the Police non-emergency number (403-266-1234), let them know you are worried and ask them to do a welfare check if you feel the need is more urgent.

  • Contact Debbie 

    • 403-283-0554 ext 224 and leave a message

    • Send an email –

    • Provide as much information as possible. I will connect with you as soon as possible